July Lawn Care Tips

Hey there, lawn lovers!

July is here, and so is the peak of summer heat. If you want to keep your lawn looking fresh and green, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some easy, practical tips to help you keep your lawn in tip-top shape during the dog days of summer.

1. Water Wisely

Watering your lawn is crucial in July, but it’s all about timing and technique. The best time to water your lawn is early in the morning, ideally before 10 a.m. This helps prevent evaporation and allows your lawn to soak up the water it needs. Aim for about an inch of water per week. Remember, deep and infrequent watering is better than shallow, frequent watering.

2. Mow High and Often

Keep your mower blades high this month. Taller grass shades the soil, reducing water loss and protecting the roots from the sun. Set your mower to cut a little higher, say around 3.5 to 4 inches. And don’t forget to keep those blades sharp! Dull blades can tear grass, making it more susceptible to disease.

3. Feed Your Lawn

July is a great time to give your lawn a mid-summer boost. Use a slow-release fertilizer to keep your grass healthy and green. Just be sure not to overdo it – too much fertilizer can burn your lawn. Follow the instructions on the package and spread evenly.

4. Control Weeds

Weeds can be a major pain, especially in the summer. Pulling weeds by hand is effective, but if you’re dealing with a lot, consider using a selective herbicide. Make sure to choose one that’s safe for your type of grass and follow the instructions carefully.

5. Watch for Pests

July can bring out lawn pests like grubs and chinch bugs. Keep an eye out for any brown patches or areas of the lawn that feel spongy when you walk on them. If you suspect a pest problem, consider using a lawn pest control treatment or contacting a professional.

6. Avoid Overwatering

It might be tempting to water your lawn frequently in the heat, but too much water can lead to disease and fungus growth. Stick to the recommended inch of water per week, and make sure your lawn has good drainage.

7. Shade and Protect

If your lawn has shady areas, remember that these spots will need less water than the sunny areas. Be mindful of how much water each part of your lawn is getting and adjust accordingly.

8. Stay on Top of Lawn Diseases

Summer lawn diseases like brown patch and dollar spot can be troublesome. Keep an eye out for discolored or damaged grass, and treat promptly with appropriate fungicides.

9. Enjoy Your Lawn!

Last but not least, take some time to enjoy your lawn. Host a BBQ, have a picnic, or just kick back and relax. After all, you’ve put in the work to keep it looking great!

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to maintaining a beautiful, healthy lawn all summer long. If you need any more help or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Good Guys Lawn Care. We’re always here to help you achieve and maintain the best lawn on the block.

Happy mowing, and stay cool out there!