Our clients rely on us to elevate an “average” lawn to one that is “the best on the block” — without having to put in the back-breaking work themselves. Read on to explore how Core Aeration, Overseeding, Soil Optimization, and Specialty Applications can transform your lawn.
Lawn Health Services
Complete Lawn Restoration Services in Ann Arbor
Beyond GreenOur Lawn Health Services

Not Born with a Green Thumb?Let Us Lend a Hand!

You may recognize when a lawn looks great, but do you know how to achieve that look — and how to keep it? The Good Guys do! We have access to professional-grade products and the training to apply them safely. Factor in the time involved, and we know you’ll agree that hiring the pros beats DIY every time!
Core aeration removes plugs of soil to allow nutrients and water to penetrate your grass — and really green up your lawn.
Core Aeration
Adding seed to the existing grass without turning the soil thickens an ailing lawn, improving its health and appearance.
Our specialty soil optimizer application is used on high-value turf grass to maintain the heathiest possible lawn.
Soil Optimization
Good Guys uses a fungicide that targets and controls the growth of common lawn fungi that damage Michigan lawns.
Fungicide Application
This specialty application reduces watering frequency by helping plants utilize soil moisture that might otherwise evaporate.
Moisture Management